During the COVID pandemic, we conducted membership meetings exclusively using ZOOM technology in the absence of live in-person meetings. This worked very well as many members, whether they lived near or far from Quakertown, were able to join us for both the business meetings and the presentations. Since that time, we have returned to Quakertown with hybrid meetings, i.e. members could attend the meeting in person or could also attend the meeting in real time using zoom technology. Most attending members chose to participate in the meetings via zoom technology. Frankly, we have at times struggled with the technical aspects of using this hybrid strategy thus reducing the quality of the experience. Recognizing this, the Board has elected to return to an all-Zoom meeting format and terminate the in-person meetings in Quakertown effective February 2025. We are confident that returning to all zoom technology will allow us to provide the technical quality to the high standards that members previously enjoyed. Let us know how we are doing.
Rich Chapin,
ARHS President